Well hello there everyone! I want to welcome everyone to the new and improved HMP blog! It is no secret I haven’t been the best blogger out there; hell, I have been one of the worse! However, one of my New Year resolutions was to up my blog game. I redesigned my website with the new (and AMAZING!) Showit5 platform and now my blog matches my site to create a more consistent brand.
You may not know but I have been apart of the Showit community for quite some time now. I created my first website with them in 2013 and I have loved every moment! Showit used to be known for their pages that didn’t scroll; we were able to create a web design where everything was displayed on the screen. After a few not so great websites, I finally found a great template from Ribbon & Ink. It screamed everything I ever wanted out of a website; even the colors were a perfect match for HMP!
I’ve had this website for a while. I still love this website! Its only downfall was its lack of content. I feel like it didn’t have everything I needed to be communicating to my clients.
At the end of February, I was giving a special invite to try the new Showit5 platform before it was released to the public. I was super excited!! I was currently in a pretty slow time and had the time to dedicate to a new website. The one problem with the new Showit was the designers hadn’t put together any templates yet. So, I had to design my new site from complete scratch! Now that I am a full time photographer and more time to dedicate to things like this, I jumped in head first into a pit of web design. But that is exactly what it was…. a pit! I spent countless hours working on a website that would be a everything my current site was plus more! I had some amazing support from other photographers who were trying to build their sites as well. There were many google hangouts and even more bugs to fix.
My site was finished a few weeks ago. I wanted to have a huge launch party and make it a big deal because I put a lot of sweat and tears into this. I had so many ideas and plans and then WPPI happened. WPPI is a huge conference (like the biggest one of the year) in Las Vegas for the whole photography industry. Of course, Showit was going to be there to show off their new platform. Problem was, they just invited a few hundred photographers to Showit5 and now there wasn’t enough support to help us figure out all the bugs in their system. This put a lot of us behind in our plans. We needed Showit’s support team to migrate our blogs over to their hosting site. So now, I sat back and waited. I waited longer than I hoped, but eventually I received the good news that my blog was migrated over. I had to take a few days to get everything aligned and looking good, but its finally here!!
I am ready to formally show everyone the new blog and website! So take a browse around, test out the links, and let me know if you find any errors because I know there are still some.
In addition to a whole new look, I am going to be more serious with consistent blogging. I have created blog series.
Mondays – Maternity Mondays; You will find posts like a featured maternity session and answers to some frequently asked questions about maternity sessions.
Tuesdays – are now dedicated to newborns! All things squishy, fresh and adorable will be posted on Tuesdays. The second Tuesday of the month will be dedicated to a new series I’m starting called “Tips for Moms.” I will be asking some of the HMP Momma’s questions about parenting to putting together a blog to help others who might have the same problems
The last Friday of the month will be for photographers. I remember what it was like in the beginning and having no one to ask for help! So I am going to be sharing some of my secrets for those new photographers who are pursuing their dreams too!
I look forward to sharing my gorgeous sessions with all of you!! See you on Monday for the first installment of Maternity Monday!
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